Monday 27 October 2014

RES 351 Week 5 complete

 RES 351 Week 5 complete

 Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Understanding Business Research Terms and Concepts: Part 3
Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Understanding Business Research Terms and Concepts: Part 3.
 Build on Preparing to Conduct Business Research: Part 1, completed in Week Three, and Preparing to Conduct Business Research: Part 2, completed in Week Four.
 Develop or select the instruments your team will use to collect data.
 Describe how you will sample the population:
 ·         What is the appropriate sampling method?
·         What sampling frame will be used?
·         What is the appropriate sampling size?
·         How will the sample size be determined?
 Discuss the overall data analysis approach and result reporting:
·         Which statistical test will be used and why?
·         How will the results be displayed?
 Combine the three parts of the Preparing to Conduct Business
Research assignment to develop a cohesive research proposal of no more than 2,450 words.
 Include the following elements:
 ·         Research problem and purpose
·   Significance, scope, magnitude, and feasibility of finding a solution to the issue, opportunity, or problem
·         Research question, hypothesis, and variables
·         Research design
·         Instrument you developed or selected
·         Sampling method
·         Overall data analysis approach
·         Result reporting
·         Ethical considerations
 Support your analysis by citing the course text material and including your course text in your references.
 Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
To download the complete paper click  RES 351 Week 5 complete
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