Monday 27 October 2014

RES 431 Week 4 Complete

RES 431 Week 4 complete

DQ 1. The Logic behind Never Selling.
After reviewing Chapter 20, “Never Sell,” do you agree with the notion of never selling? In 300 to 350 words, describe why you would support or dispute this conclusion. Make sure to reference the points that have been raised in the text when creating your post.
 DQ 2. Thirteen Golden Rules.
After reviewing Chapter 21, “Thirteen Golden Rules of Commercial Real Estate Investment,” which three rules do you consider most significant, and which one do you believe is the least significant? In 300 to 350 words, describe why you have chosen your rules.
The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to create a finance proposal for either the property chosen in Week Three or a newly selected property.
Make sure to address the following in your discussion:
a. Identify your property using Loopnet and contact the listing broker for the presentation package.
b. Follow the format presented in Chapter 13.
 Title Page
 Table of Contents
 Body of Proposal
 Appendices as needed
c. Locate three lenders that you would be able to send this package to and include their contact information in the appendix.
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