Monday 27 October 2014

LAW 421 Week 5 complete

LAW 421 Week 5 complete

DQ 1. Section 22-5, “White-Collar Crime,” in Ch. 22 addresses several forms of white-collar crime including that of the Ponzi scheme. Also in that section is a “Business Ethics Perspective” vignette titled “Epic Fraud: Bernie Madoff’s Multibillion-Dollar Ponzi Scheme.” What does this example tell you about business ethics and the need for criminal penalties in order to regulate business?
 DQ 2. What are the elements of a crime? What are some examples of crimes that do not require scanter? What constitutes criminal conduct according to the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (1970)? What are the consequences of engaging in these activities? Provide examples.
Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Case Scenarios: Grocery, Inc., multimedia link located on the student website
 Review the case scenarios and questions associated with scenarios.
 Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, with speaker notes, illustrating your responses to questions in each case scenario. Clearly indicate which scenario you are referring to in your presentation.
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