Sunday 26 October 2014

BUS 372 Week 3 complete

BUS 372 Week 3 complete

DQ1. Strikes affect the income of members, the reputation of the union, and the financial position of an employer. Describe the circumstances where a strike would be an appropriate bargaining tactic and where it would be inappropriate. Respond to at least two of your classmates' postings.
DQ2. Discuss how the use of the grievance and arbitration processes and procedures can enhance the relationship between a union and management, and where it can be destructive. Respond to at least two of your classmates' postings.
To complete this assignment, go to this week's Assignment link in the left navigation:
Contract negotiations require considerable education, experience, and training. Trained negotiators have a solid set of knowledge and skill that often enables them to garner a more favorable contract for their party.
In a one to three page paper to submit to your instructor, detail the following in relation to contract negotiation:
·         Describe the knowledge and skill that is critical to the success of a contract negotiator.
·         Present one (1) strategy an effective negotiator should consider to achieve a more favorable contract (for example: one strategy would be to prepare diligently for each negotiation).
The submission must adhere to APA style guidelines.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
To download the complete paper click BUS 372 Week 3 complete
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