Sunday 26 October 2014

BUS 372 Week 4 complete

BUS 372 Week 4 complete

DQ1.Assess the circumstances when it would be more appropriate for an organization to follow the comparative norm strategy to determine an employees' wage rate, versus the ability-to-pay or the cost of living strategy. Respond to at least two of your classmates' postings.
DQ2.Employees represented by a union are paid approximately 30% more (in terms of pay and benefit costs) versus those employees not represented by a union. Discuss how an organization whose employees are represented by a union can remain competitive against an organization whose employees are not represented by a union, especially when it must commit more monies towards its employees, which often requires lower investment in research and development and raising the price of its products and services. Respond to at least two of your classmates' postings.
To complete this quiz, go to this week's Quiz link in the left navigation:
This assessment consists of 12 multiple choice and true/false questions. The amount of time the exam will take to complete will vary by individual.
To download the complete paper click BUS 372 Week 4 complete
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